Funeral Videography and Photography. We capture the celebration of life for those who cannot make it or for those that would simply like a memory of the day.
Long Business Description
Funerals bring family and friends together to celebrate the life of a loved one. Unfortunately, there are times some cannot make it, but would still like the opportunity to pay their respects and tributes to a life once lived.
We film, edit and produce funeral videos. These are supplied on DVD, Blu-Ray or USB - for those that would simply like a memory of the day or close family members that couldn't make it due to being overseas, ill health or any other reason.
We are experienced funeral videographers and here to help.
We can film as much of the day as you need - including; arrivals, ceremony, graveside, wake and guest tribute messages.
Please visit our website for more information:
We Film, Edit & Produce Funeral Videos. These Are Supplied on DVD, Blu-Ray or USB.
Long Business Description
Funerals bring family and friends together to celebrate the life of a loved one.
Unfortunately, there are times some cannot attend due to being overseas, ill-health or any other reason, but would still like the opportunity to pay their respects and tributes to a life once lived.
We film, edit and produce funeral videos that are supplied on DVD, Blu-Ray or USB.
We can also provide a live streaming service allowing the ceremony to be viewed from anywhere in the world in real-time.
No matter what the reason, we are experienced funeral videographers and here to help.
Filming as much of the day as you need.
We would be pleased to guide you as to your requirements.
We are sorry for your loss.
Here is a link to a video example of the ceremony and wake. This has been shortened, the original is over 1 hour long -